Global (2023-03-10 21:16 UTC), updates daily

 Selected Industrial Countries (2023-03-10 21:16 UTC), updates daily

 Polar/Nordic Grouping (2023-03-10 21:16 UTC), updates daily

 15 Most Affected US States (2023-03-10 21:16 UTC), updates daily

 Canadian Provinces (2023-03-10 21:16 UTC), updates daily

 Selected Asian Countries (2023-03-10 21:16 UTC), updates daily

 Selected Latin America Countries (2023-03-10 21:16 UTC), updates daily

 Selected African Countries (2023-03-10 21:16 UTC), updates daily

 Selected Middle East Countries (2023-03-10 21:16 UTC), updates daily

 Johns Hopkins data (2020-03-25 00:07 UTC)

  1. COVID-19 attributed deaths [CSV]
  2. COVID-19 confirmed cases [CSV]
  3. COVID-19 attributed deaths (US States) [CSV]
  4. COVID-19 confirmed cases (US States) [CSV]
  5. CSSEGISandData host site [github]


  1. This page updates daily, within 1 hour of 0:00 UTC.
  2. The Johns Hopkins data does not tabulate data from today (UTC): today's data will be added at midnight UTC.
  3. The Johns Hopkins data is provided to them by regional and national governments and may not be accurate or up-to-date. Use this information cautiously.
  4. Colored dashed lines represent recursive functions where y(0) = 100 (CA Provinces, y(0) = 10):
  5. The code for generating this page is available at github and gitlab